I turned ONE on December 16th!! According to all of the books I am officially a toddler! This year has gone by so fast! A year ago I weighed 7lbs 1 oz 20" in length and now I am 21 lbs and 28" tall! I have blonde hair. I have blue eyes.. not too sure where they came from since my mom has green and my dad has brown. Here are some pictures from my party!
Birthday girl outfit! |
Eating my cake! |
Yummy! |
My bee hive cake! |
Here is a little info about me on my first birthday
I smile at everyone! I love my younger cousin Owen! I cannot wait to meet my new cousin "Mathew" this April!! My first word was "Dada" then came "uh-oh", "mama" ,"woof woof", "quack!quack!quack!", "duck", "no" and now "Nana(banana)"! I LOVE Elmo.. any kind really- books of Elmo, tickle me Elmo, movies of Elmo, Elmo's song, Elmo on the tv, etc!
I can almost walk. I'm currently taking steps! I sleep through the night 7pm-730am! I would prefer to eat bananas for every meal with a side of apple juice! I do not like peas. I love to swim. I love taking baths! I love to play with my friends! I cannot wait to meet my new friends(baby braun, baby Mathew dugger, baby cooper, baby donohue, baby lindstrom, baby tapp, baby johnson!!)! I am starting my clingy stage which mom likes because I am not a huge snuggler. I no longer use my sleep sack(those are for sissies). I now sleep with a big girl blankie! I suck my thumb when it is nigh-nigh time. I love to shop with mom when I am not tired. I prefer shoes off than on- same with socks. I love the zoo! I love my furry friends such as Parker, Cooper, Izzy, Kate, Macy, Truman, Aspen and so many more! I take my new doll EVERYWHERE! I know where her nose is, her eyes, and her mouth, .. im working on ears but those are hard to find. Im sure there is more but that is all I can think of... its nap time now!