Labor Story:
Went into the hospital dilated at a 4 and at 0 station and 90% effaced. At this point I was thinking.. this is great I'm 40% done with labor and by this time tomorrow Ill have this lil lady in my arms! Well it went a lot faster than that. I wasn't making much progress within the hour so they broke my water and hooked me up to pitocin and things started happening fast. They told me to walk the halls and bounce on the ball. So I bounced on the birthing ball for about 30 minutes counting my contraction but still being able to smile and breath through them. I told my nurse my pain level was at a 2.. Ha! Then we walked the halls...
Walking the halls with all of my contraptions- see the smile.. it didn't last for long |
And by the second lap around the nurses station my pain went from "oh I just had another contraction" to holding on the chair rail bent over in awful pain waiting for the 2 minute long contractions to go away so I could breath and make it back to my room to get off my feet. Pain level was at a 7
As soon as we got back to the room I asked for something to take the edge off of the contractions and ladies let me tell you... it did NOTHING! The pain(pain level 8) was still there so Steve talked me into getting the epidural but I was a little hesitant but decided to get it anyway. Thank goodness I did because the anesthesiologist was running around putting the epidurals in the other ladies in labor so she couldn't make it to me for a little bit which felt like forever. When she got to me I was ready for it and couldn't wait any longer. Once it is was in and turned on I was a 10! I cannot believe I some how made it to a 10 without it. Holy smokes! My parents had just arrived from KC so I was feeling much more relaxed and ready to get the show on the road!
Ok that's better! |
So it was baby time! My doctor came right in and I pushed just a couple of times and out she came! At this point we were betting on weight and dada won at 6lbs 10oz. And at this point we finally decided on her name Lucy Jane Dugger. Both family names on both sides! We are in love!
First family photo of the 5 of us! |
Proud papa |
Look at that smile! She was so excited to meet her lil sissy! |
So pumped but he has no idea what is going on |
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First night |
Enjoying snuggle time and the peace and quite at the hospital |
So sweet |
Lil miss all bundled up |
three generations |
Little girl in a big car seat |
Made it home |
Lucy Jane has taken our hearts! She is so sweet and a real snuggler. She is eating like a champ and filling her diapers like a champ too! She is already back to her birth weight and gaining more each week. Charlotte is absolutely obsessed with Lucy Jane and George is still trying to figure her out but goes over and gives her a kiss every once in a while. So sweet!
We are all surviving this first couple of weeks. There has been a couple of days that all three are crying at once wanting attention and it took all of me not to start crying with them but instead I started laughing because it is actually comical to think about and sure enough I had the two older kids laughing too. So note to self when all three cry at the same time laugh because this period of life will go to fast to sit and cry about it :)
There are days when dinner is nothing to write home about and days when I flat out forgot about dinner. whoops! But we are starting to figure out the routine and everyone is coming around to it. Luckily all three of the nap at the same time so I can either sit down, lay down, shower, or get things done around the house.
The kids are staying busy with play dates and going to the park and the pool. George went to his first movie and loved it! Madagascar 3 was a huge hit for his age! Charlotte is going to her first movie next week. She picked Despicable me 2! Honestly I don't even know if she has seen the first one :)
All of them are sleeping now so I better take advantage of this and make myself some lunch and think about dinner :)