Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snow storm

Did that groundhog really not see his shadow?? Punxsutawney Phil, I'm calling your bluff!!
Omaha got about 8-10" last week and I'm not going to lie I was expecting a couple of signs of spring not more winter... but it is pretty fun to get these kiddos all dressed up in puffy gear to brave the cold snow!

Charlotte insisted on wearing my ski goggles :)

snow angels! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6 months along!

6 Months along .....When I say that out load I get a little anxious knowing I will have three little ones under the age of 3 1/2!! But I am slowly coming to grips with the fact that it will be crazy for a while but nothing we cant handle :) We are getting closer and closer to meeting this pink blessing!

All of the websites are confusing at this point. They all say different that baby is the size of an ear of corn, an eggplant, and a cantaloupe. So who knows .. but the cantaloupe looks kinda tasty right now :)

I have started to get a couple of little outfits for lil lady but have not gone crazy since some of the onesies will fit from Charlotte. But it makes it a little hard since Charlotte was born in December and this one will be in June. At least all of the fun shoes, tights and hair bows will be able to be passed down :) It is hard when these little outfits are too cute not to pass up!

We are still debating on names. We have a list of about 10 that we keep rotating between first and middle names but have not landed on the right one just yet.

I have been craving pretty much the same thing all pregnancy... fruit with honey! But I have the occasional craving for a chocolate something with a little caramel.

This might be what's for dinner tonight... Yummo

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Colorado Trip

We had a great vacation to the mountains! We started in Breckenridge for a couple of days then in Denver for a day. We had a blast!
Gondola ride up to Aplenglow Stube at the tip top of Keystone( MJ, Leigh, Brett)

The other side of the gondola(Steve, Emily, Jenn)

Lunch was awesome! It overlooked all of keystone! What a treat!

Taking pictures among the skiers and snowboarders

Such a beautiful view!

Group pic

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The truth about Motherhood and a GREAT parenting book

I took this from another blog I like to follow and thought the other mamas would like it. Embracing your role of as a Wife and Mom

I can’t get anything done!” I lament, as the kids make their happy noises and leave sweet tokens of their presence all throughout the house. “I will never catch up!” 
This is a familiar scene at my house–is it at yours as well? Mom is exhausted and frustrated at the two steps she takes forward, just to take one step back…in housecleaning, in laundry, in potty-training, in correction and discipline, in kitchen clean up…it just feels never-ending. 
In the midst of one of my complain-sessions recently, I recognized the error in my assessment of getting things done: What am I so in a rush to get done for? What is the important stuff that I think I’m really supposed to be accomplishing that being a wife and mother is seemingly keeping me from? By my actions and attitude, it would appear that I have been charged with greater uses of my time than caring for my family; that the mundane and repetitive tasks of motherhood and housework are merely obstacles standing in the way of worthier priorities.
Nothing could be further from the truth. 
Motherhood IS my job. Caring for my home IS my privilege. Preparing a place of rest and renewal for my husband IS the important work to be done. There is a deep selfishness in my own heart that idolizes comfort and pride. It is the sin of desiring what I think will make my life grand more than treasuring whatever it is that the Lord has given to me…to do, to care for, to endure, to carry, to count as joy. 
How would our attitude and actions change if we were to recognize thatbreaking up fights between our children, teaching them about forgiveness of sin, correcting them in love, and then repeating that entire cycle again and again–IS our jobs as mothers! And yet, we tend to want to get them behaving properly once and for all so that we can move on to something more important. We are disappointed and astounded when they are repeatedly sinful, whiny, impatient, or lacking self-control, when it’s for these very sins that God made you specifically to be your child’s mother. How humbling it is when I consider this reality and compare it to the attitude of my heart.
Would we do dishes, fold laundry, or train up our children with a different attitude if it were Christ we were serving? Wouldn’t it seem foolish to complain to the Lord about better things we want to do with our lives if He were a guest in our home? No, instead, we would cook and clean with a sense of honor because Christ is residing there. Friends, He does reside in our homes and in our families. We serve Christ when we serve our families!
Being a wife and mother is not glamorous. It is not looked upon with honor in our culture. It is not always immediately rewarded. It is NOT EASY. Being a wife and mother is, however, a high calling. It brings honor to God, and it bears eternal value.  He’s equipped us for any and all things He calls us to. It is through Him and for Him that we do all things!
Today, if you’ve been given the high-calling of mother and wife, I encourage you–as I preach the same to my own heart–to embrace the work with joy, with purpose, and with value. Be here, in the now. There is nowhere more important to be; there’s nothing more important to accomplish.

Embracing snuggle time with a not so snuggly girl
I would recommend this book at any and all moms! This book will teach you to have a different perspective on parenting. I love it! It teaches you to discipline with love and nurture instead of a in-the-moment response which was not working well at our house :) Live and learn, right?!

Zoo playdate

It was too nice to stay indoors so we ventured out to the zoo!  Charlotte with her buddies Carson and Hayley

Fish tank fun with Carson. It was like the moms were on date with these two... they insisted on holding hands from one exhibit to the next :) 

George could have sat in this room for hours! He sat there talking to the fish for about 20 minutes!

We saw the baby lion cubs! Charlotte named one of them Simba and the other Cinderella

These penguins have the most energy! So fun to watch them jump dive and swim

OOOh Spider crabs

Lions tigers and bears! Oh my!

Successful day at the zoo

Lego exhibit

Lauritzen Gardens has a lego exhibit going on right now with 500,000 legos made into 27 sculptures. The kiddos did not want to leave

Charlotte insisted this was the Beauty and the Beast rose

George went straight up to the fox and started growling and barking. hehe

Buffalo and her calf

Time to build 

intense building

Bumble bee

Trying to get a picture of the two of them looking at the camera and smiling is nearly impossible these days :) 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Baby# 3 is a ........... GIRL!

We are thrilled to announce that baby#3 will be a GIRL!! Charlotte was hoping for a sister that talks.. well she got part of her wish! Looks like George will have to get used to another diva in the house :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Soccer lessons

Charlotte started soccer lessons this week and she loved it!
Pep talk from coach Kyle

George wanting to join in so bad

When do I get to play? 

Doing a little dance after making a goal :)

Learning to dribble between cones

Beginning of February

Hungry Hungry Hippos anyone? Diaper and shoes required

 a little hard to get laundry done around here with these two little monkeys :)

making sock puppets

February 5th 50 degrees outside! time to mow the lawn

fascinated with his shadow
she is styling driving her car in her Cinderella costume :)