The day is special to us now in two ways! It is our wedding anniversary and the day we found out we were expecting! Knowing that something might be up, I tested to reasure my feelings and was I right! While Steve was working on the front yard before our anniversary plans, I quickly put together a cookie cake and some balloons to surprise the new dad to be! After the surprise we went straight from anniversary mode to "what to expect when you are expecting" mode! Still in shock we told our families! They all were just as shocked and excited as we were! This will be the first grandchild for both of our parents. Please enjoy our blog!
We found out that Charlotte is severely allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and shellfish. We are learning everyday about the severity of food allergies and how to overcome the obstacles that come with it. Charlotte does not let her food allergies stop her from being a fun loving toddler! Below are some resources I have found very useful and hope it does the same for you.
Peanut-free, Treenut-free, Egg-free, and Shellfish-free information I find useful:
I am so excited for you two and I can't wait to be an Aunt! I love the blog and being able to see all the new photos! Congrats!